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20th December 2022

Christmas Collection at Tesco

OYF 10 for 10 Thank you to everyone who stopped by and popped their loose change into our OYF pots on Sunday down at Tesco in Wokingham. You lovely lot have helped top up our research pot by £157.65

10th December 2022

David’s Deja-brew

David took to Wokingham this morning to complete his #OYF10for10 challenge! He went to 10 different coffee shops to drink 10 different coffees. Armed with his Ollie pot he raised over £34. We cannot expresso how much this beans to us, thank you David! I’m sure he must be flying through his Christmas shopping on … Continued

31st May 2021

#Woky spring charity market

Thank you to #wokyspringcharitymarket and all our supporters who came along and brought cakes, merchandise, made a donation or simply stopped and had a chat, we’ve had a super super day and have raised over £471! Thank you!

23rd May 2021

Thank you Wokingham Lions Club!

Wow!! Such amazing news. Thank you so so much Wokingham Lions Club for thinking of us and a big thank you to all who took part “Wokingham Lions Club are happy to announce that we will donate a total of £4,500 to nine local charities. These funds were provided by more than 500 walkers who … Continued

1st March 2021

A New Hair-Blue for #FeBLUEary

What a fabulous start we had to #feBLUEary Ollie’s dad, Simon, has gone all out for this year’s #feBLUEary by having his hair dyed blue by budding hairdresser Lola. Over the course of the month Lola has made a hair-raising £2000 and has been blown away by people’s generosity and support. You have done an … Continued

23rd February 2021

Harrys 100!

4 year old Harry had been set a challenge from school in memory or Captain Sir Tom Moore, to complete something 100 times. He decided that he would cycle round the green outside his house 100 times. And wanted to raise £100 for charity. After reading about Ollie and the OYF Harry said to his … Continued

23rd January 2021

Lights Brighten up 2020

We are so so grateful to our wonderful friends on Culloden way for raising a massive £509.87 from another amazing Xmas light display. Thank you again Claire and Jason, you are truly wonderful 💙And thank you to everyone who popped their pennies in the collection box and donated online, this certainly brightened our new year.

27th November 2020

RUDS Virtual Cabaret 2020

Our wonderful friends at Reading University Drama Society (RUDS) held their annual cabaret evening with a virtual audience via Youtube this year due to the Coronavirus. As they say…the show must go on! It featured performances from lots of RUDS members that have all been filmed and edited over the term and pulled together to … Continued

26th October 2020

Virtual #Woky Pub Quiz in aid of OYF

Proceeds from the Great #Woky Virtual Pub Quiz in September have been donated to the Ollie Young Foundation (OYF), a local charity which funds targeted paediatric brain tumour research and support. Nigel Page, president of the Lions club, presented a cheque for £320 to Sarah Simpson, founder of OYF. Sarah Simpson said: “We are extremely grateful to … Continued

19th April 2020

The Marathon Will Go On

Today we should have been down by the sea cheering on our 4 amazing fundraisers in the Brighton Marathon. Sadly, like many other events, this has had to be postponed due to the Coronavirus until later in the year. One of the team, Simone Gibson, was traveling over from Australia to take part but unfortunately won’t … Continued

9th February 2020

Coasting through FeBLUEary

Thank you for joining in our shenanigans in town today for #feBLUEary. We had great fun and loved seeing so many of you supporting the OYF. Thank you also to Wokingham Market for your support and for a great spot too! And a massive thank you to Hayley and Richard from Joyful Journeys who lent … Continued